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Brandon Novak's Dreamseller review

I wanted to talk about a book I recently purchased called Dreamseller an addiction memoir by Brandon Novak. You may know Brandon Novak from his professional skateboarding career and Bam Margera related shows such as Viva La Bam, Jackass, Minghags and Bam's Unholy Union to mention a few. I have always been a fan of Novak, I think he's charming, talented and very intelligent, not to mention he has been so entertaining in everything he's been a part of. Unfortunately aside from his fame Brandon has struggled with addiction for countless years. Dreamseller digs deep into Novak's drug-fuelled past revealing honest and harrowing details about his life as an addict which will leave you stunned.

I could not put this book down, this book not only explains the real life situation an addict deals with but Novak exposes his thoughts and feelings and I enjoyed Novak's personality shining through the writing, it feel very personal. You will read about how Novak gave up a career in professional skateboarding to then be living on the streets with nothing to his name, doing anything he can to get his next fix. Dreamseller is not only a story about a man's addiction but it can be used to warn people about the dangers of drugs and could help an addict seek help.

Brandon is now over one year sober and working to help others with addiction.

Novak plans to release two more books to follow Dreamseller and has just released Dreamseller revised with 2 bonus chapters and an alternative ending.

I'm so pleased that Novak proved people who doubted him wrong and is now working so hard to help others, I enjoy reading his updates on his new adventure. His story has touched me especially because I lost one of my best friends to addiction earlier this year and he will be missed every day.

I recommend if you haven't already to go buy his book and share with friends and family. Buy Dreamseller Brandon Novaks Twitter

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