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My Favourite Incense

Nag Champa – Nag Champa is a sacred incense similar to sandalwood and can be burned for many of the same reasons. Nag Champa is used for meditation, enlightenment, cleansing and to harmonise energy. It is a wonderful incense to create a peaceful atmosphere during gatherings.

Jasmine – Jasmine represents the night, love, money and dreams. It is connected to our mental and emotional wellbeing and is most commonly used for spells and astral projection.

Violet – Violet can be burned to help with attraction, wisdom, luck, love, protection and healing.

Musk – Musk can be burned to act as a aphrodisiac and can be used in lust and sensuality rituals. It can be used to restoring balance and order, protection, sexual magnetism and confidence.

Opium – Opium creates a relaxing atmosphere, it is associated with dreams and sleep and is burned for any spell involving dreaming or sleep in any way. Romans used it to heal love wounds and also for witchcraft and ancient Greeks believed it to bring health and strength.

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